The Agricultural Marketing Board is a self-financed parastatal body operating under the aegis of the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security.  The Agricultural Marketing Board was established in 1964 to implement food security strategies and to expand the local production of strategic crops like onions, potatoes and garlic.  The Agricultural Marketing Board is vested with wide powers in matters relating to the production, storage, import, export and sale of a number of commodities declared as “Controlled Products” by law.

Download AMB Act

Our Vision

To be the global strategic partner for a sustainable Agro-Industry.

Our Mission

To maximize customer satisfaction by providing high quality and innovative products and services reliably and cost effectively.


The objectives of the AMB are:

  • To encourage local production of as much of the country’s food requirements as is economically feasible;
  • To ensure that marketing costs are at a minimum, consistent with satisfying consumer demand;
  • To limit price fluctuations in line with consumer preferences;
  • To operate its installations and other resources with maximum efficiency for the benefit of producers and consumers;
  • To regulate standards and quality of products falling under its control.

The Board consists of:

  • A Chairman
  • A representative of the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security
  • A representative of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
  • A representative of the Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Protection
  • The Registrar of Co-operative Societies or his representative
  • Not more than 7 nor less than 5 other members, appointed annually by the Minister.

The Chairman is appointed by the Minister and holds office for such term as may be determined by the Minister.

Members of the Board


Committees and Meetings

The Sub Committees of the Board are:

  • Supplies Committee
  • Staff Committee
  • Finance and Tender Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Quota Committee
Years Events
1964 Establishment of AMB.
1968 Completion of the building of cold room facilities. AMB’s total storage capacity was 2,000 to 2,200 tonnes, out of which 1,000 -1,200 tonnes were under refrigerated conditions.
The Board recognised the Electrical and Other Workers Union as the negotiating body for its casual labourers.
1969 The Government of Holland provided the AMB with the technical assistance of two experts from the Institute for the storage and processing of agricultural products (IBVL).
1970 Work started for the construction of additional storage capacity so that upon completion the total storage capacity be increased to 3,000 tonnes of potatoes and 800 tonnes of onions.
Construction of two naturally ventilated onion stores at Petit Sable and Palmar by the AMB with Government financial assistance.
1971 Completion of reconstruction work of AMB’s stores.
Review of conditions of service of the labour force and the wages and salaries of all employees were increased by 12%.
1974 A marketing scheme for maize was approved by the Government for its implementation by the Board. The Government also approved a marketing scheme for ginger, thereby offering a minimum guaranteed price to producers.
1975 Setting up of a Medical Insurance Scheme to the benefits of all employees.
For the first time since its creation, the Board had been able to break even financially.
1977 The Board further increased its storage capacity to 7,000 tonnes refrigerated space.
1978 As part of the Board’s objective of promoting local production, the country attained self-sufficiency in potatoes in 1978.
1980 With a glut in the local tomato market, the AMB purchased some 26.1 tonnes of fresh tomatoes for deep freezing in order to maintain the price at a certain level and to provide a stock of frozen tomatoes for use immediately after adverse climatic conditions. Likewise, some 2,000 units of cabbages and 10,000 kg of carrots were stored on trial basis to improve the shelf life of the products during period of glut.
1982 On experimental basis, the Board imported 63,000 units of coconuts from Seychelles, 18 tonnes of Basmati Rice and 150 tonnes of lentils from India. The aims behind these imports were to enable the AMB to act as price leaders on the market.
1983 The Board was entrusted with the marketing of locally produced rice. 42.026 tons of rice were purchased by AMB.
1984 The country became self-sufficient in Turmeric in 1984.
The Board imported 7.096 tonnes of grapes from India by air.
1985 The Board initiated a Milk Marketing Scheme on a pilot basis involving collection, processing and marketing of fresh milk. Milk was collected from 200 cow keepers.
1986 Following a grant from the European Development Fund, the capacity of onions cold stores was increased to 1,200 tonnes.
1987 AMB continued to operate the Milk Marketing Scheme and the total number of cow keepers rose to 2,800.
1988 Launching of operations at the Airport Cold Stores with a storage capacity of 1600m3.
1990 The Board imported about 150 tonnes frozen chicken from France to keep the market supplied during the end of year festivities when a shortage was anticipated.
A trial shipment of 5 tonnes Indian origin mangoes was received by air for a promotional sale campaign during the local mango off season.
1991 Launching of operations of the Trou Fanfaron Cold Store. The 350 tonnes store was donated by the Japanese Government to the Government of Mauritius under the Fishing port project.
In order to stabilise the market, the Board imported some 30 tonnes of frozen fish from India. A trade link with the Seychelles Marketing Board was also established for the supply of 500 – 2,000 kg fresh chilled fish by air on a weekly basis.
1993 The Board continued to import frozen fish to stabilise the market. Some 170 tonnes of White Snapper and Reef Cod fishes were imported in 1993.
1995 Establishment of Cluny Cold Stores. Storage capacity: 2,000 Tonnes.
1998 Liberalisation of Imports of Potatoes.
The Board embarked in a reorganisation exercise of its activities and human resource. A Voluntary Retirement Scheme was proposed to seventeen employees, aged 50 and above. Eleven employees were also redeployed to AREU.
1999 A grant of Rs 2 Million were offered by AMB for the erection of new stalls to dealers of onions, potatoes and garlic at the Port Louis Central Market, following a fire outbreak which destroyed the vegetable section. The AMB also contributed Rs 1 Million to the Solidarity Fund set up by the Government.
Mauritius unfortunately suffered its worst drought in 1999 and the AMB funded a Relief Assistance Scheme of Rs 5 Million to bring relief to vegetable growers around the island.
AMB imported its first container of peeled canned tomatoes from Italy on a trial basis.
2000 Government stopped granting subsidy to the AMB as from year 2000.
2002 AMB embarked on a major project to renovate and upgrade its cold stores at Moka at the cost of some Rs 200M. These stores were built more than thirty years back and became obsolete, ineffective and costly to run. The renovation provided AMB with an additional 4,500 tonnes storage capacity.
2004 Refrigerant (R-12 gas), used for the operation of the refrigeration equipment of the Moka Cold store, was replaced with an ozone-friendly and non-degradable gas.  In so doing AMB participated in the Protection of the Ozone layer and became environmental friendly.
The Board invested Rs 5.8 Million in the purchase of 4 refrigerated lorries to transport fresh milk in optimum condition from farm gate to the dairy and to supply the end consumers.
With a view to support the local agro-processing industry, the AMB started importing glass jars.
2005 Opening of a Retail Shop at Moka.
Due to abolition of office, four employees were offered Voluntary Retirement Scheme.
2006 AMB 40th Anniversary Celebrations.
2007 Price liberalisation of Onions to privates.
In 2007 and 2008, the AMB imported 565 tonnes of carrots and cabbages as a consequence of shortages of these commodities on the local market.
2008 AMB stopped operating the Milk Marketing Scheme due to low collection of raw milk, among others.
2009 Import of Onions was partially liberalised to privates.
Launching of the Potato Seed Purchase Scheme (Ex- Potato Boost Up Scheme) and Onion Seed Purchase Scheme aiming at alleviating the significantly high financial cost involved in the purchases of potato/onion seeds by providing a source of funding.
Signing of memorandum of understanding between AMB and the RTMC (Rodrigues Trading and Marketing Co Ltd) with the main objective to encourage two way trading concerning agricultural products between Mauritius and Rodrigues.
Renovation of its cold rooms at Trou Fanfaron with equipment funded by the Japanese Government through the Overseas Fisheries Corporation Foundation (OFCF).
Liberalisation of imports of seeds potatoes for ware production to private growers.
2010 AMB organised a one day workshop at Domaine Les Pailles to discuss the setting up of a National Wholesale Market which would be compliant with all regulations pertaining to food and quality standards.
The AMB phased out its outdated software package for a new Integrated Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) to increase efficiency at all levels in the organisation.
Harvest Ceremony of the Local Potato variety ‘Belle Isle’ by AMB & MSIRI in collaboration with Parent Ministry at Cote D’Or
((15 July)Participation of AMB in World Food Day Exhibition at the SSR Botanical Garden (13-17 October)
2011 Launching of the Garlic Seed Purchase Scheme with the view of boosting up the local production of garlic.
AMB brought its service at the doorsteps of the consumers through the opening of several Retail shops.
2012 Launching of a revised Freight Rebate Scheme to promote the exportation of various agricultural products and to increase local production of fruits, vegetables and flowers.
2014 Twenty two employees, aged 57 and above were offered Voluntary Retirement Scheme following a strategic review of AMB’s operations.
2015 The Agricultural Marketing Board (AMB) organized a one-day strategic thinking session at Hennessy Park Hotel, Ebène on the theme – “AMB: Moving To New Heights” and devise a new action plan whereby the organisation will embark on several major projects and diversification of its activities and products in line with the Government Strategy towards Food Security.
Early repayment of an EDF loan to the Government of Mauritius amounting to Rs 19,159,750.63 by the AMB.
 2017 Signing of memorandum of understanding between AMB & Copesud Ltée (Potato Grower) and between AMB & Mr Goonniah (Onion Grower) to enable the two categories of growers to get the opportunities to increase the local production of potatoes and onions respectively and thus enabling the sector to attain self-sufficiency.
2018 a. Conversion of dryers into cold rooms to cater for additional storage spaces of 560 tonnes of onions in refrigerated conditions.
b. Construction of a garlic warehouse in line with the Government’s objectives of boosting up local garlic production.
2019 AMB sponsored the Educational Achiever Award Scheme operated by the SFWF to support and empower children of farmers.
2020 a. The year 2020 has been the most challenging in AMB’s history with the outbreak of the Coronavirus in China and the very high uncertainties on its effect on world trade, the AMB played a crucial role in ensuring food security in the country. Potatoes, onions and garlic were delivered to the population and at no point in time there was any shortage on the market.
b. New Retail Outlets were opened at Riviere Du Rempart and Goodlands.
c. 50% subsidies on the selling prices of onions and potato seeds were offered to growers. The AMB disbursed MUR 17.2 M from its own funds with the view of boosting the local production of potatoes and onions in Mauritius.
2021 a. The year 2021 witnessed a second wave of the unprecedented crisis created by the Covid-19 pandemic. Amidst all adversities associated with the pandemic, the AMB provided an uninterrupted supply of strategic crops to the population.
b. The AMB continued in its endeavor to support and empower farmers and children in the vicinity of Moka/St Pierre regions by sponsoring the 2021 edition of the Educational Achiever Award Scheme organized by the SFWF and donating a photocopy machine to the Petit Verger Government School and a refrigerator to the Moka Government School.
c. The AMB enlisted the services of BDO & Co. to prepare a business plan for operating the NWM for fruits, vegetables and flowers. The Business Plan was submitted in May 2021. The project of creating a NWM for food crops is unprecedented. The main objectives of the NWM are to be financially sustainable, to provide the stakeholders with a secure and hygienic working environment and bring more transparency in wholesale transactions.
d. AMB continued to provide growers with 50% subsidy on the wholesale selling prices for seed potatoes, onion seeds and garlic seeds for Campaign 2021. An amount of approximately MUR 20 M were disbursed.
e.In collaboration with the Parent Ministry, the National Potato Committee and the National Onion and Garlic Committee, the AMB revised the floor prices for Grade 1 Local Potatoes from MUR 25,500/T to MUR 27,500/T and High Yielding Local Onions from MUR 26,500/T to MUR 28,000/T for Campaign 2021.

Top Management


Name Position
General Manager
Mr. Beny Ramcharan Assistant General Manager


Head of Departments

Name Position Email
Mr. Abdool Shameem Jeehoo Technical Manager
Mr. B. H. Ramdin Head Operations Officer
Mr. R.Sookun Officer In Charge National Wholesale Market
Mrs. Y.Sakharam-Badree Acting Seeds Officer
Mrs. A. D. Mungroosing Administrative Secretary
Mrs. Y.Ittoo Acting Trade and Marketing Officer
Mrs. K.Ramburhose Accountant/Senior Accountant
Mrs. G.Nothoo Internal Auditor
Mr. N. A. Hasowa Human Resource Management Officer
Mrs. K. Rawa-Lungtoo IT Officer
Mrs. V.Purmanund Officer In Charge Procurement Unit

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